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200-Fabric Shoppers Unite

200-Quilt in a Day

Shabby Fabrics

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Your Comments!

WOW!!! After doing some knitting and crocheting, I wanted to do something different. It has been awhile since I have done any quilting, so my curiosity has brought me to your site. And I have to tell you, that I'm THRILLED to be a part of the quilting regimen again. I LOVE all of the sites that your Bunny sent me to, with all of their different styles and flares as to how they represented themselves and what they had to offer. The fabrics were unbelievable! I can't tell you how much I have missed being away from quilting. THIS (quilting) will be my choice of hobby from now on. Thanks SO MUCH for your wonderful site and all that you represent. Keep up the good work. Joy M. Des Moines, IA

I have had so much fun this year participating in the FabShopHops and visiting the store sites and finding the bunnies at locations around the country. I have made purchases at a few of the participating stores and have found them to be exceptional at customer service and products. I will continue to be their customer, and must say that I would never found them had it not been for the FabShopHop!

I have won a couple of prizes and for October 2011 I won 1st Place! I was blown away with the material that was sent, the quality is excellent and it will brighten up the quilt I am currently working on.

Thanks to you and all the stores that participate.

Judith Sailer

I want to thank your site for just being there. I have won 4 $10 gift certificates in the last 6 months. I love looking for the bunnies and seeing shops I wouldn't know otherwise. I have found great fabrics that I just can't find here at home. I've passed your site to quilt friends who are looking for special fabrics and tell them about the great search you have. Thanks Again. Diana Binkowski from East Tn.

I just wanted to thank Laurie for inviting me to participte in the April FabShop Hop. I have had a ball going from one shop to the other and I am estatic that I can now use all these quilt shops as a resource when I am looking for kits, BOMs or fabric. I am going to send Laurie's e-mail to a few of my friends to see if they would like to participate too. This is a great idea and so much fun!! Robin Snyder from Garden Ridge, TX

I have been fortunate to have won something in a couple of FabShopHops - I like the challenge of finding that bunny and looking at so many different shops - wish I could visit them all in person. The possibility of winning something makes the hunt so much fun. Thank you for keeping the hop going, thank you to the shops for participating and thank you to the shops I have won something from - dealing with you has been fantastic. Deb Homer, Manchester, NH

I just wanted to send a thank you for providing such a wonderful and fun resource. I've found a handful of sites that have become personal favorites for my online purchases and have received wonderful service from them all.

Also, I wanted to let you know how delighted I was to find out I was a first place prize winner in the last hop. I couldn't believe it when I received the prize notification email. I have received my package and wanted you to know the fabric was beautiful. Now comes the hard part ........deciding what to make with it.

Thank you so much and I'll be hopping again in April. Susan

I have always appreciated your efforts to help us find quilt shops (I live in an area where there are few and the few are targeted to a type of fabric that I only use occasionally. I have found shops on this site that have been such a delight to visit.

But, now you have gone an extra step further, ... a fabric search! This is wonderful. I already have my first request into the works. Thanks for filling a need that is very great to those of us who live in a quilt fabric vacuum.
Marie in PA

I have to be honest; I am very disappointed! I have only five more bunnies to find and I have had so much funny I don't want it to end. I bookmarked most and can hardly wait to go back and look more closely at all of them. I did not participate in the November Hop, now I see what I missed. Thank you so much for providing this fun way to acquaint us with all the marvelous sites we might otherwise have missed. Sincerely, Chris Booth

Thank you for the fun! I just completed another FabShopHop and wanted to thank you for all the fun! This was the best shop hop yet...had no problems with any of the sites and found some more wonderful sites out there to add to my list of favorites and to go back and visit. Ive been doing these hops since you began and always enjoy seeing what is out there and getting ideas. I live in an area that has a very large amount of quilt shops available (Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX) but who has time to go to them all! Having the convenience of online shopping is wonderful. Looking forward to the next shop hop Elaine Serra Ft. Worth, TX

Hi, I stumbled on this this shophop unexpectedly and really enjoyed it. I even got my grandson involved and he picked out some material for a new quilt-coverlet for himself.

I of course love fabric and though I have as yet never quilted anything, I do make cloth dolls and the hop introduced me to some wonderful sites to buy fabric. I was especially interested in the sites that had old reproduction fabrics going back to the 19th century as I like to make dolls of that period. Also, after looking at all the lovely small quilt wll hangings, I am now thinking of beginning to venture into quilting via one of them.

As to feedback to the stores: I think I was most impressed with the stores that had cute little hints and made it easy to find the bunny; because as soon as I registered that I had found the bunny, I always returned to the site and took notes on what each site offered. Those that made me look forever, frustrated me and I spent less time in reviewing their sites. Thanks again.
Susan Saint-Leaves, Northern California

I did it! I found all the bunies! What fun! I had a great time with this hop! Thank you for the great time! I found many, many great shops now I can go back and spent time looking around. Thank You again, Trudy B.

Just finished my first but hopefully not my last Fab Shop Hop and I had a wonderful time. I have over three pages of notes and am planning to go back to over 50 of the sites (truth be known all of them) to search shop and look! Right now I have to sign off so I can e-mail my quilting sister to give her some sites to go look! Perhaps she will join in and shop hop too! Thanks for a great time! Cheryl

This is my second "hop" and I am loving it. My sisters and I are working on a 1800's reproduction quilt and I have enjoyed seeing those shops that carry this repro fabric. Also, I printed out the list of shops and made notes of their specialties as I visited them so when I am looking for a specific fabric or notion, I can access their site immediately from my notes. It has been fun to see all the shops and "meet" the folks. I have had to ask questions about some of the sites and the response from the shops is quick and friendly.

Looking forward to seeing my name in the winner's bracket. Thanks for a great job.

Wahoo! I did it, I visited every shop, and had so much fun. Now I have to get back to the real world and actually go do some work. Thank you for your assistance with my inquiries, and thank you for making this a wonderful experience. I had no idea there were so many shops out there, and most of them had something to do with quilting, which is my passion.

Keep up the good work. I really enjoyed seeing all the sites!
Marg Layton

This is my first shop hop and found it quite interesting. Found new places that I would never have found without you. Thanks for the fun! Anne

What an incredible thrill! If you felt aftershocks or heard screaming on Nov. 12...it was me jumping up and down and whooping it up! My daughter covered her ears and the boys thought "Mom" has lost it for sure. Why did I lose my mind? I am the very lucky grand prize winner of the Brother sewing machine.

The machine I use now is a Singer "no thrills" standard, and it's nearing 20 years. You can imagine the excitement in our house. I feel like a lotto winner!

Thanks so much for another fun filled fabshophop. It was exciting visiting all the shops and finding the bunny. The web sites are great, and I'm having fun getting aquatinted with online shopping.

Everyone I know is hearing about the fabshophop! Thanks again,
Darlene Rowland


This is so much better!!! I like that the number of shops is managable. I like that my email address appears in the Prize registration link. I like that I can easily access the shops I've been too. I wonder if there is even a need for the confirming email to come back to me when I can just go to the Member Page and check. This is so much better than the stress I felt of the last one.

I used one of the participating shops lists from a prior shophop (well after the shophop) when I was looking for a particular fabric. After searching/emailing 120 shops I found the fabric I was looking for. Thank you for putting the world at my fingertips when it comes to quilt fabric.

Keep up the good work.
Nancy Milliman

I have found the Fab Shop Hops a great way to relieve stress after a busy day at work. Because I travel frequently, I've actually had the opportunity to "virtually" visit the shops before I make that "personal" visit. I think it's great, and even though I've yet to complete one, I still get a charge from visiting all the wonderful shops. I really have only one complaint...the bunnies are too easy to find...I do this because of the challenge.

Keep it up and I'll keep Shop Hopping.
Char Moriarity

Thanks very much for listing the shops in numerical order again. I believe this will help us keep track better of the sites we have visited as well as the list you provide for us to check periodically to see our progress. Your service provides us with avenues to new shops we wouldn't otherwise find on the Internet and updated materials to constantly add to our stash and a means to find items not in our vicinity! Thank you again for another FabShopHop of fun! Jean T. Ridgefield, WA

I can't wait for the next hop. I actually won a 2nd prize on the last one and discovered some wonderful Internet shops. I love shopping this way. Thanks. Marge

Hi there, I just want to thank you folks for all your hard work. I have participated in several shop hops, and they get better each time. I wrote in with a few questions this time, some rather obvious, but always got a prompt answer. From a computer novice, thank you! I look forward to the next Hop. What I liked about this Hop: I could just click on a link to each shop. You folks kept track of where I had been. I saw a few new sites. The number of shops was a "do-able". Other stuff too, but they're not coming to me right now. Thanks for the hard work, please keep it up!! Jolin Barilla Oakdale MN

Best one yet! I really liked how you up graded this hop. I was also glad there were only 103 shops. It made it more doable!!! I liked the way I could register that I had found the bunny. Also I was glad I could find out which shops I had not been to when it got almost to the end. And yes I found I did have to go to a different browser for some bunnies. I even bought something from one shop. I had never bought off the internet before. So as far as I am concerned it was successful. Ardelle

I just completed this hop and I had a blast, even with some sites being down it gave me a chance to go back to others and have second and third looks. Managed to fund some good buys also.

I especially like the list of shops visited and not visited. It makes it easier and takes the pressure off when trying to juggle a full time job, family and fabshophopping.

Anyways and HUGE THANK YOU, I can't wait till October.

The fabshophop has been outstanding! The vendors from whom I have purchased have given wonderful service as well. Also, I want to tell you that your fabric search has already saved me twice. When the twin size quilt I was making suddenly needed to be a queen size but I had bought the last of the bolt, your fabric search came through. Keep up the good work!

Hi, I just wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed the e-FabShopHop. I managed to visit all the stores in the first few days and have spent the time since making leisurely visits back to stores that really caught my eye. I added so many new bookmarks to my file that I had to completely reorganize them and had to go out and buy new containers in order to reorganize my fabric stash once my online purchases started coming in. Now it's sew, sew, sew until Christmas (or the next hop comes along:-)

One thing I noticed, though. You might give hoppers a heads up that they may need to use an alternate browser from the one they normally use in order to locate the bunny in some online shops. I usually use Netscape, but I found a few sites where I needed to use Internet Explorer in order to locate the little guy.

Keep the shop hops coming, they are a blast!
Happy hopping, Gayle Menifee, CA

I just wanted you to know that this was a really fun Shop Hop! A couple of times I was a little stumped, but stuck with it & found all the bunnies. One shop couldn't be viewed with my browser, but I had an optional browser so it worked out ok. I had to go back into one shop a couple of times looking for that rascally bunny & discovered that I really liked that shop! I've been back to that shop since & have already placed 2 orders. Sometimes we want the quick fix, but should really take the time to enjoy the shop. Each shop is so unique. Thank you for allowing me the experience. Happy hopper, Betty Gordon--

I love your new shop hop. Did the one previous but it was difficult because I do it from work on my lunch hour and there was simply not enough time to get to all the shops and do them justice. This one is just the right amount of shops. I love seeing patterns and fabrics and quilts from other parts of the country.

Had always wanted to do a block of the month club and finally found one that I liked simply because I couldn't find the bunny on that site. I would have missed it if the bunny poked his ears up any sooner!! Yea, bunny!!

I also had time to really look at the shops this time and have bookmarked about ten of them to go back in future to check further. (Didn't have that luxury the last shop hop.)

Keep up the good work and my thanks to you and all of the shops -- they have done a wonderful job and have opened my eyes to all sorts of wonderful new fabrics, patterns, and other goodies.

This was my first virtual shop hop. It started out a bit nerve racking. I was using an old list that I printed in June. After I printed a new list, most of the bunnies were easy to find. I only had to send one note. I thought I was having problems with my Internet Explorer. I received a very nice message back with a hint as to where the bunny was hiding. I was successful in finding the bunny. There was a lot of work put into setting this shop hop up, so I would like to say "THANKS" to all that did the "GREAT" job. I've had a great time looking at all the site. The only thing better than a virtural shop hop was the traveling shop hop I did with 5 fellow quilters. Will be looking forward to the next Shop Hop. Wanda Philbin,Point Edward, Ontario, Canada

This is my second Hop and, like so many others who have sent you comments, I love the member area where I can see a list of the shops where I've found the bunny, as well as your change to the prize registration page so that my e-mail address is remembered. These improvements make more time for enjoying the hopping!

For those who are still complaining about how it took them more than 2 clicks to find the bunny, I have a hint that may help. As you reminded in your 8/11 e-mail, they have to be the right clicks, so when I'm bunny searching, I always use the "back" button to return to the main page rather than following links at the bottom of various pages. This way, I can easily keep track of how far away (in "clicks") I am from the main page - if I go to a third click, I know the bunny isn't down that trail.

Thanks for all the work you do to introduce us hoppers to new shops. I have half a dozen or so that I added to my "quilt stuff" bookmarks from the last hop and several new ones from this hop. Hurray! More delightful places to wander around when I'm in the mood to look at fabric and patterns.
-Deb H

To Laurie (head bunny) and everyone else involved in the Fab Shop Hop: just wanted to send you a few words of encouragement - - - as my husband always, the quickest route to failure is to try and please everyone!

That said, I have been participating in the Hops since they began. I don't always finish (lack of time) BUT I have always enjoyed my hopping experiences, and am grateful to all the online shops who participate.

What some hoppers sometimes fail to recognize is that it takes a certain amount of time for the shops to reset their web sites, let alone answer all the e-mails that they get inundated with.

That said, I repeat: You can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Keep up the good work, keep your chin up, and keep on keepin' on.
Regards, Jacquie Madrazo (a part-time hopper)

I would just like to remind everyone that this a fun project and that the whole idea is to hunt for the bunny, don't be so impatient it is still early.

I appreciate the list of bunnies that I have already found because I thought I had them all and had actually missed 2.

Remember this is a fun project and be nice to the retailers before they pull out of the fab shop hop and then we won't have this opportunity again.
Thanks a bunch, Janet

This Shop Hop has been great fun, and so much easier than the previous one. I had a few frustrations, but most apparently were due to the computer/system difficulties on a certain day - seeing the subsequent apologies made me realize that. The better hints and easier to locate bunnies made me purr so thanks to all those who made this easier for us. The 'best friends' I made during any of these Hops were due to my frustrated questions, and the wonderful responses that came back - from real people! Made me appreciate their sites so much more - and ultimately put them at the top of my 'love-to-shop-here' list. So I hope they keep answering questions, we shoppers love that personal touch when it is needed. A couple of shops that aren't in this current list of 103 are still among my favorites because of that, and I check them out occasionally. Even the most difficult site to maneuver through can be rewarding - I found an obsolete fabric to fill out my stash for a new project - and that never would have happened without the extensive catalog at one location. I wasn't even looking for it - it just popped up! Finding entirely new stuff has been wonderful too - I've been able to reach out into far corners of our USA to shops that I could never visit otherwise. It is exciting and I hope it continues. Betty in Oregon

This is by far the most enjoyable HOP & I've done them all! Having my email addy stay in the form is a big help & having the bunny only 2 clicks away has saved me a lot of time. Most I've found in only a minute or 2, & then I'll indulge a few more minutes really looking at the site & bookmarking those I want to explore more. These are great improvements!! Looking forward to the next one in October. ~GAquiltR~

I sympathize with any shop and the folks with the FAB HOP shop. I work as a toll free operator (800 directory assistance) and take constant verbal abuse from people who want me to give them a FREE number even if the company they want doesn't list one. It is a very side reflection on our society when someone tries to provide some fun for the consumer while hopefully drumming up business for their shop. I applaud you all and say job well done!! Pat Urbeck

This is my first virtual sho phop and I think it is great! I live in a very small community that is pretty far from any other towns so a brick and mortar shop hop is almost impossible (Although I have tried...the gas gets very expensive. Better to save that money for fabric!) I have to say I was disappointed with a few shops for hiding the bunny and not leaving any hints. They were huge sites and I spent over an hour at one of them and still didn't find the bunny. It doesn't encourage me to want to shop there! Overall though, the hop has been very fun! Thanks so much! Robin Nuss

This Shop Hop is the greatest one yet. It has been much easier finding the bunny. It has taken a lot of the "stress" out of finding them before the end of the month. Now I have LOTS of free time to go back and check out all of the shops. I think having less shops this time has really helped. Thanks for keeping up the good work. Judy Morgan in NM

This is the most enjoyable Shop Hop I have been on. Having our emails stay in the form is wonderful and the rule of 2 steps to the Bunny sure helps a heap. I almost ran out of carrots last year.

Many of the shops are wonderful and have a real talent for making quilters want to stay longer.

I almost forgot. Being able to see the list of our visited shops helps a load.

Thank you for your improvements.
Evonne Trumble

Hi, Just wanted to send you a comment that I am really enjoying this my 2nd shop hop. Probably the reason that I am really having fun this time around is that you have asked sites to put the bunny 1-2 clicks off the main page. I can now spend more time looking at stuff instead of finding the bunny. Some sites last time made it very hard to find. I am actually getting a chance to look around and come back. Thanks, Nicole

Thanks for the wonderful *hop*! I loved all the clues some of the shops gave us. They helped and I didn't get so frustrated as in the past. Also, with fewer shops I could *look* longer at the fabrics. Thanks for all your hard work. Nancy in WI

This is the third "Hop" I've done and the most enjoyable yet. I so appreciate not having to enter my email addy each time and the members page is just great. I always print the list of shops and check them off, but this time I cross checked and found a couple where I didn't register but found the bunny. Oops! All of the new features made this so much more pleasurable. Maybe I'll win another gift certificate. Who knows? Thanks again. Kathy F. in Central Ohio


Yes, I'm at it again...hopping like mad! Not hopping mad, however...hopping happily!

Thank you for changing the web stuff to make my email address automatically appear--what a relief for us all! I'll bet that really cuts down on the number of typos and whoopsies that make your server hiccup!

Also, thanks for reducing the number of shops to visit--my time has been limited somewhat, but I still am able to participate fully with the shorter list.

Great job! Keep it up!

Best, Karen Ostheller two-time winner of $5 gift certificates! Let's go for three! Heck, let's go for the GRAND PRIZE this time! :)

Just want to let you know that I enjoyed this hop so much more than the last few. Previously, I would sometimes become very frustrated with some of the shops for hiding the bunnies so it was maddening by the time I found them. The hints are a lot of fun. Those are the shops I will go back to, not the others. After all, it is just a game to find some new shops online. This timwas introduced to new shops, I just finished, and have plenty of time to go back and brouse.

Decreasing the number of shops was also good. To go to a list of over 200 is just too overwhelming. Around 100 is just perfect.

One thing I thought was a little unfair was the way one of the shops had their bunny on a link to another of their shops. Not nice to fool bunny hoppers!

Thanks for a good time,
Joy P.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the giant steps you have made with the FabShop. Being able to see what stores you are registered in to reconcile with my own list as well as not having to enter my e-mail address each time has saved me an immense amount of time and worry. These changes are wonderful and make the whole process easier. I have been able to enjoy the hop so much more. I can now check my own status and if there was a hiccup - correct the problem. Thank you so very much. Sincerely, Jo Ann M. White

Greetings from a very warm central NY. After my multiple crabbing complaints last fall I'd be very derelict if I failed to say "Thank you" for making this a much more enjoyable experience. I'm still 'hopping' and there are some shops where I've spent more time than I planned to but no bunny but I'll go back when I've made my first run through the list. Great, great sites with beautiful, beautiful kits, fabrics, etc. Too bad my budget isn't as unlimited as the choices in quilting fabrics, books, tools but then if it wasn't I'll only have a large pile to leave behind as i'd run out of that precious commoditiy, TIME. Thanks again for the great improvements. Jane

Here's a tip I wanted to pass along to the other "hoppers". It can be kind of hard to keep track of where I have found that little bunny, and my printer is out of ink! LOL So what I did is use cut and paste to put the list on my computers notepad. Then while I am "hopping" I open my notepad list in one window and the fabshop hop page in another window.( use "tile windows vertically" to see them both)

Then when I have visited a shop I can remove it from my list, or on a few of them I make notes to myself like free shipping or great prices for places I want to visit again. If theres one I can't find (those are few) I can make a note of where I looked so when I go back to try again I won't look the same places. I just thought I would pass this along for those who don't want to print out page after page of the shop list. Thank you for such a wonderful contest!!!

Beth Sims Peru, Indiana

This is the first Shop Hop I have participated in (this is the first year I was aware of it!) There are many things I wish to thank you for.

..It was very easy to register...It was very easy to participate...Thanks for keeping track of the shops for me...I found many shops I wish to revisit...I found fabric I had been looking for and it should be here early this week...ggg...I now have 103 new bookmarks...SOME for shops I KNOW I won't want to visit again due to totally different tastes...or annoying music...I have sent some friends and family links to shops they will love...

Although I often visit many online shops, like many, I tend to go back to the ones I know of and have had great responses from. I am really looking forward to revisiting these wonderful places now and really looking around. Boy - will you be bad for my budget!

Thank you and all of the participating stores.
Daphne in CA

Thanks for the work to make this hop more organized. I love the sites that give hints, it makes the looking fun and these are the ones I bookmark to return to because I figure if they took the time to make hints I can take the time to look at what they offer. Barbara

I loved going to all the sites. I have booked marked several to return to later and the idea of not having to type email address over and over was great to do that. I thought some of the site were great when you had to really look for the bunny it sure got to to hop to see every thing. My family thought I was nuts looking for the bunny. Loved it thank you for notifying me about the hop. Can't wait til the next hop --loved it Phyllis

I always look forward to the ShopHop but this one is the best yet. I love all the changes i.e. comments, not having to type my email address, and I love that YOU are keeping track of what sites I have visited. Thanks for all your hard work. Andrea

I just wanted to let you know that the "view visited sites" is a GREAT feature. It has always been an annoying hassle to checkmark the sites and THEN to keep track of them. It would seem easy but I hop at work and at home and I never seem to have the list in the place where I need it.

Thanks for the shop hop. As always, I'm having a lot of fun and learning new about new sources.

I love that I don't have to retype my e-mail address on the prize verification page. Thanks!!!!! Nancy

I really like the new members site and also the fact that my email name is already in the space to register. Make this more convienent to do and less tiring. Thanks, Sanquilty

Hi, I absolutely LOVE the changes that you made for this Hop!!!!! You have made it easier to keep track of the shops visited.........yeah!!!!!!!

Thanks so much for all the work you have done to create these Hops......they are such fun! Keep up the good work.

I just wanted to tell you this is the best Hop ever. Great job - thanks!

There are several things I want to order but didn't want to stop hopping at the moment so I made a new Bookmark folder I called "Hopping Shopping" where I file the bookmarks of the pages that I want to go back to again later.

I did notice there are a couple of shops whose I Found It icon is 'torn' but I clicked on it anyway just in case it was the Bunny and was able to get credit.

What fun this is!

After a fitful start because I goofed...I LOVE the hop! The last one was fun, but this one is better with not having to re-type the e-address, and being able to confirm the shops already visited! What a great idea (and I have already found some great stuff). Keep it up! C. White