Collect the Star Search Sampler Quilt Blocks
in the March FabShop Hop!

The March Fabshop Hop offers FabShop Hoppers a special challenge. In addition to shopping and hopping, collect all 12 Star blocks to create our exclusive Star Search Sampler quilt. Keep an eye out for the following sampler blocks:
Search for Stars with the March FabShop Hop!
Everyone loves a star so we're sure you'll love the Star Search Sampler.
Shop, hop, and collect the blocks to make this stunning quilt in its unusual setting. Collect 12 different star blocks as you find youfoundit bunnies in the March FabShopHop!
The blocks circulate through the "Prize Verification Confirmation Page." This page appears after you have successfully registered for prizes on the "Prize Verification Page." When you find a block, click on the block to download a PDF of that block and assembly instructions.
Also, check your list of visited shops in your member area to re-download block pdfs you have missed downloading.
Remember that the blocks are moving around all the time, so you may need to check the shops more than once to find them all—a great reason to revisit your favorite shops!
From April 1-30, the assembly directions plus your March Star Search sampler block finds will be in your member area. After April 30, the Star Search Sampler quilt pattern or kit may be available for purchase at these
Star Search Sampler Show 'n' Tell Challenge in May!
We will also host a Sampler Show 'n' Tell Challenge in May. Here's how to participate:
- Make a finished quilt top from the Star Search Sampler quilt blocks. Creativity is encouraged.
- Take a great digital photo of your quilt and submit it to by no later than May 10. The image must be 300 dpi, and 4 inches wide.
- Give your quilt a name.
- Be sure to include your name and contact information.
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