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200-Odds N Ends Fabric

200-Fabric Shoppers Unite

200-Quilt in a Day

Shabby Fabrics

200-Odds N Ends Fabric

200-Fabric Shoppers Unite

200-Quilt in a Day

Shabby Fabrics

200-Odds N Ends Fabric

200-Fabric Shoppers Unite

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And when the FabShop Hop starts January 1, you want to find this bunny at each shop, click on the youfoundit image, enter your e-mail address in a box to register for prizes. You'll get a email confirmation that your registration was or wasn't sussessful. All duplicate entries are automatically deleted.

For right now, consider this a practice click. Go on and look around the alumni list of shops -- there is some wonderful shopping out there for all of us who love fabric.

Mark January 1 on your calendar and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Hop!

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