From Batiks Etcetera & Sew What Fabrics
Spring Song collection by Hoffman, Ditsy. Leafy branches in teal, white, purple, pink, and green on light blue. Printed cotton, 42-45in wide. This is a Hoffman Spectrum Digital print.
From Batiks Etcetera & Sew What Fabrics
Superior Threads, King Tut Quilting Thread - red, green, blue, purple. 100% Extra-Long Staple Egyptian Cotton. 500 yds.
Paradigm Prism - R4587-633
From Lickety Stitch Quilts
This unique fabric is half (20" wide of) pink yellow and orange triangles and half (20" wide of) green blue and purple triangles. From the Paradigm collection by Sariditty for Hoffman Fabrics. 100% digitally printed cotton. 44"-45" wid
Calypso turtles panel
From Pat on the Back
Turtles are multi-colored with tropical images on them. Multiple shades of sea green, aqua, sunshine, orange, purple and many more colors. Paintbrush studio from Fabri-quilt Turtles range in size from a few inches to about 10 inches. When you purchase, yo