Join the FabShop Hop™ – an Online Shop Hop Register Today!
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FabShop Hop
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Hello Shopowners!

Sign Up Today!

You can attract thousands of shoppers with our monthly, online shop hops, increasing your websites traffic and exposure. We can bring thousands of visitors to your website yearly! Sound unbelievable? Its true! Each month, many thousands of avid quilters, sewists, and crafters will be visiting your website in search of the 'YouFoundIt' Bunny. The hunt is on to win fabulous prizes, and visit the various participating shops. It’s an opportunity to garner e-newsletter sign-ups, show FabShop Hoppers why they should be shopping with you, and boost your sales! 

Participation is easy! Whether you are a retailing storefront, e-tailer, or design studio, FabShop Hops are right for you!

  • You must be a member of the FabShop Retailers’ Trade Association in order to participate.
  • Your website should be fully functional at least 60 days before the Hop begins. You can add site features after this date as long as you ensure they are working before the Hop begins.
  • Websites should be viewable in all major browsers and operating systems.
  • The FabShop Hops™ logo and prize registration codes must be placed on your website.
  • Promote the event in your eNewsletter twice; once before and then during, plus use other social media networks to promote your involvement throughout the hop.

 Shopowners sign up today!

"Approximately 65% of our website traffic comes from FabShop Hops, and revenue from these hoppers accounts for 70-75% of our online revenue! FabShop Hops are extremely significant for our business and I highly recommend that shops participate in every hop. It’s the best program ever!"

— Marsha Doyenne, Fabric Essentials,

 "I view the FabShop Hop as an advertising expense that increases my exposure to dedicated quilters that use the internet. I can tell you the website traffic is great. I also place my bunny on my email sign up page. I want to be able to market to these folks. I know I don’t get all of them to sign up but my emails lists have grown dramatically and that is what I am after. Then I have a larger email list that I market to each week!"

— Beverly Martine, Quilt N Bee,

 Shopowners sign up today!