Pearl Pine Cones
From Pat on the Back
Grab a sweater…it’s chilly outside! These beautifully detailed prints, in icy shades of blue, will bring a lovely touch of winter to any project. Choose from proud wolves, lush pinecones, polar bears on beds of ice, and a wonderful icicle print. Delic
Peace on Earth by OESD
From Tennessee Quilts
Beautiful poinsettias combine with a heart-warming holiday sentiment to make up the Peace on Earth Tiling Scene by Shannon Roberts. New to tiling scenes? This is the perfect way to try one out! Stitch out all the tiles and assemble into one gorgeous ...
This Gorgeous Fabric showing Snowflakes in Different Shapes work together to create this stunning digitally printed collection called Festive Beauty from Robert Kaufman Fabrics. This It is ideal for quilting but can also be used for crafts miscellaneou