Patriotic fabric showing support for the armed forces that protect us. Would make a great part of any quilt for an active-duty servicemember, no matter the branch. 44" wide, sold by the yard. 100% Cotton.
Bush Plum is a small plum like fruit grown abundant in sub-tropical woodlands of the Northern Territory of Australia. The fruits has a high content of vitamin C. It is full of anti-oxidants, folic acid and iron. The flowers are small, creamy white, per
There are so many fabrics you can use for this to lo
Basketball and Volleyball Teal New Half Yard Plus Bundle
From Sue's Creating Cottage
Our Half Yard Plus Collection amounts to three coordinating fabrics are half yards range from 18 inches to 25 inches long. Each is 44 inches wide. 100% Premium Quality Cotton Fabric. These amazingly useful Bundles are a collection of the end of our Fabric